Thursday, August 11, 2011


Believe it or not, our days have finally come to an end. We are leaving Denmark tomorrow, so this will be my last post for this blog. I still have some packing to do, and also have to get some sleep, so it will be a quick note, but I just wanted to say "thank you" to all my friends and family who have visited my blog. I am not usually good at starting something and sticking to it, but knowing that my friends and family were reading my blog was a huge motivation for me. I know I am not a good writer, and I have probably bored you here and there, but thanks for sticking with me and letting me complete my diary.

Copenhagen is a great city - it is has an efficient and reliable public transportation system, miles of bike lanes, cutting-edge architecture, numerous kid friendly places, top-notch restaurants (though unfortunately we didn't get to experience much this time...), serious focus on the environment, so on and so forth... It has so much to offer.

Anyway, we really had a wonderful time here, and we hope to come back again.
If you are looking for a place to go in the summer, I highly recommend Copenhagen, Denmark!

Thanks again, and bye for now.


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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Little friends...

Our little friends from the Nature Center (see last post).

Mr. Snail

and Mr. Slug (ナメクジ).
He is about 7-8cm (3 inches) long - huge!

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Nature Center in Vestamager

Our days in Copenhagen are almost over, and I have to say I have been to A LOT of parks here, but I was missing one big piece - the Nature Center in Vestamager. It is located just south of where we live, and it is only one bus ride away, so despite the sketchy weather, we decided to check it out.

The nature center is huge - it is about 2,000 hectares or 5,000 acres, and there are so many ways to enjoy this park such as renting a free bike (you will need it to see the whole area!), or camping or riding a pony. One of the first buildings you see in the park was the "children's room", so we went in (of course). It's a pretty small room, and not much to do, but somehow we were there for a while. You could do your own face painting so you could pretend to be a raccoon or a mouse and play in the little "animal house". (Mio wanted pink hearts for some reason.)

It started pouring so we were stuck in that room for a while. But we ran out of things to do, and we decided to run to the cafe, which was fortunately located next door. The cafe was very nice - not what you expect to see at a state-owned facility, but again this is Denmark, so it has to be nice. They even had candles on each table, and on a rainy and cold day like this, they made the place look very cosy. From the huge windows you get an amazing view of the vast meadow - it must be beautiful on a nice sunny day...

We had lunch at the cafe, and were ready to head home. We stepped outside of the cafe, and walked out onto the grassy area to take one last view of the meadow. And what did we see? This!

They were so pretty...

We only got to see and experience a very small part of this huge expanse of wild space (we didn't even get to the playground...), but I would love to come back if we come to Copenhagen again. The whole area surrounding the nature center is going through a major development, and there are so many cool buildings being built. It would be very interesting to see this place in a few years to see how different it looks from now.

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